'Friendship' Published for Print in The Lake Magazine

Photography _ Hylton Boucher | Styling _ Mikhailia Petersen | Models _ Terence Masamuna, Jeremy Pelser, Shakes Mbolekwana, Rowan Peterson, Kim Dawson
We wanted to portray each model with an individual quirk and somewhat ‘otherworldly’ feel, but also bring them together as a group of ‘friends’. The lighting of this venue called for some high gloss finishes, so I incorporated these details on the face and some hairstyles for light reflection. Makeup looks were kept consistent to unify the characters, but interesting hair designs differentiated each model’s unique and eccentric looks to suit the mood.

View the published copy online: http://thelake.co/the-lake-023-stiff-pap/

Get your copy on Issuu: https://issuu.com/thelakeco/docs/the_lake__23_issuu/28